Saturday, August 29, 2009

Research Proposal : The after effects

I had been searching for a research topic right up to the day before the final submission.

I had thought that it would have something to do with parametric modelling or surface/form creation i.e. some of the previous work/posts that I have done.

But I realised that I didn’t start my architectural studies hoping to learn code, algorithms or heavy math. And I thought that having taught myself this much so far, I would be able to continue this learning process on my own (outside of the university structures and pressures).

I also realised that without question, one weakness of mine is the understanding of sustainable practices, and as yet I have not had a unit or the time to focus on this increasingly important topic.

As such, my topic turned to 'using the computer for good', and its ability to analyse data to produce ratings and readings regarding the different components and elements of a building.i.e. the amount of sun light entering a room, the cost of heating a space or the ecological cost of a building...

This is now my topic and posts from now on will reflect this.

Today I am planning to watch a video entitled HOME.

My understanding is that it will provide a large amount of quantifiable information about the energy use, living standards and impact our (‘humanities’) current lifestyle is having on the planet.

It’s general background information and I am planning on taking notes and screen shots throughout the movie for latter posts.

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