Friday, September 4, 2009

Final Tower Images

I spent more time on this than I would have liked, but playing around with lighting and the different anges and view points can be really fun...

"vray rt' is out now... a system that automaticly creates a semi rendered output in a specifed 3dsmax viewport and I think that the abilty to navigate, model and create 3d objects within the computer with apropratie lighting etc will enable an architecture that is more aware and understanding of the light patterns and/or effects it creates.. If your keen to understand what I'm talking about a bit more, just look up 'vray rt' on youTube.

The top view is very mis-leading and it is diffecult to see what is the inside or the outside of the object, or what is the top and what is the bottom...It might be nice to stl print this some time...

A detail of the surface lattice, looking from the base towards the top.
Click on images for a larger view, and render times..

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